Monday, 5 October 2009


It's been nearly a month since I last trained. This is due to numerous work and family commitments I have had to prioritise in the last several weeks. I know this is not ideal, but as they say, life gets in the way at times. I guess my journey through BJJ is going to take a little longer than what I originally envisaged.

During this time, though, BJJ has always been at the back of my mind. I have been watching Saulo Ribeiro's Jiujitsu Revolution Series via the iPhone most days just to keep the BJJ fire going and have been doing some solo drills at home when I have spare time. I have been unsuccessful at trying to get a close friend of mine to do BJJ or even be my grappling dummy to practice what I have learned in the few sessions I had at Carlson's, or even try out what I 've seen in Saulo's videos. This is a bit frustrating, I admit, but I try to keep a positive frame of mind through all of this.

I really do miss training, though.